When using VBA to pre-fill log notes the initial note line will not respond to the ENTER key until the cursor has been moved to the next line using some other method. Code:
'set to standard headers
NumberRows = 4
'add any info to the display
While (Not objDisplayInfoRecordset.EOF)
Dim objDisplayInfoLogNote As IFTRLogNote
Set objDisplayInfoLogNote = Window.LogSheet.LogNotesEx.Add(Now)
objDisplayInfoLogNote.NoteItemEx("speaker", flsTextFormatHTML) = objDisplayInfoRecordset.Fields("InfoHeader").Value
objDisplayInfoLogNote.NoteItemEx("text", flsTextFormatHTML) = objDisplayInfoRecordset.Fields("InfoValue").Value
Set objDisplayInfoLogNote = Nothing
NumberRows = NumberRows + 1
Hitting the ENTER key in the Speaker column has no effect. Hitting the TAB key to move the cursor to the Note column works but still does not respond to the ENTER key. Only once you move to the next row either by using the DOWN ARROW key, by using the TAB key while in the Note column or by using the mouse does the ENTER key begin to be processed. I don’t see what the problem is and the only work-around I can find is to set focus on the next line. Code:
ActiveWindow.Grid.SetCurrentCell NumberRows, 2
The application responds correctly but leaves a blank entry in the log note. I would like to place focus in the first empty line without creating another. Better yet I would like to place focus in the description cell. Code:
ActiveWindow.Grid.SetCurrentCell 1, 2
This works in debug mode but not runtime.