How properly silent install FTR Player 5.6.0 with switches
I have most problem to make properly Insall.iss , because no one help PDF document or answer did not make file ISS
I started setup exe with command
/vSMALL_UI=TRUE /vSKIN_NAME=FTRGold /v"/l* \"c:\Program Files\FTR\ForTheRecord\SysInfo\player_msi.log\""
setup.exe /r /f1C:\Install.iss
setup.exe /s /f1C:\Install.iss
No comnands of that did not make silent instalation and did not make iss file for make comands for take my dicision in midle of instalation
Please make right iss file and sent to me or take right commnds for make iss file........
Thank you.....because many people will glad if I make sient instalation of this FTR Player .....prefered my BOSS don"t take my skin from me.......thanks.....Valentin