Recently all our courtroom computers were swapped which included new hardware, and an upgrade to Windows 7 64-bit SP1. Previously, we had already upgraded our FTR version to 5.6.1 months before on 32 bit XP, and I had no reports of any problems, besides some issues I could attribute to aging hardware.
Since the upgrade of computers, I am getting almost daily reports of FTR player locking up, and or the computer freezing up entirely. These computers are about as beefy as you can get (i7-3770, 16GB RAM), and with multiple courtroom computers having problems, and none of the computers without FTR having problems, the only common denominator is FTR. None of the recording hardware changed during the upgrade, which is an Antex DMX-4 USB in each courtroom. Nothing seems to show up in the logs that can give me a lead on what is causing this issue.
I have seen various reports of lockup issues with player 5.6.1, so I upgraded them to 5.6.2 (just the player) and the issue still persists. Attached is a screenshot of the issue as it is happening
. I think the courtroom clerk said she rebooted when it first froze, and player locked up immediately again after trying to start recording again. As you can see, reporter is recording, the mixer device is working as it is detecting audio, but player is in a frozen state trying to load the current recording.
In a few other threads I've seen, the screensaver has been mentioned. We do have a screensaver timeout set, but many of these issues occur while the computer is actively being used. At first I thought the common thing was clerks who use compact view which basically docks the player into reporter, but some of the issues are happening at times like the screenshot when player was first being launched. Or I have a report of player was already in compact mode, and recording had been stopped, then things locked up when she tried to resume recording again.
So a couple things I would like to know. Any idea's to check what may be causing this, or narrow down a solution? Is there a way to stop player from launching when recording is started? Our courtrooms VERY rarely playback audio, so most of the time there is no need to have the playback window open also. I received the 5.6.2 update for reporter but am hesitant to change something else, when the issue seems to stem around player not reporter.
Thanks for any ideas or assistance.